A "Holy Cow" Gift

"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in Heaven give what is good to those who ask Him?" Matthew 7:11

 Holy Cow!  I can't even count the number of holy cow moments I've had over the last week or so.  There ave been so many things that just seemed in such complete disarray and out of my control.  For example, at Celebrate Recovery there are 16 volunteer  positions every Thursday night (sometimes more).  Of those 16 positions this week, 13 of these volunteers were unable to make it.

Some of the volunteers knew a week or so in advance they couldn't be there, but most were last minute.  These 13 volunteers did not give up their post because they are schmucks - they all had extremely legitimate reasons to not fill their original obligation.  Ron and I did our best to get each of these "tasks" filled with new volunteers, but it seemed with every role that got refilled there was another phone call of someone who couldn't make it.  This was on top of an already difficult week for our family.  Honestly, I was having to hand it over to God moment by moment.

Well, Thursday night came, and, people came out of nowhere.  Thus began my new "Holy cow!" moment.  Several people showed up to serve that didn't even know we needed the extra help.  There was absolutely no complaining from anyone who stepped up unexpectedly or whose role had to change.  Even with all the changes, there were no distractions to those who came for worship and recovery.

To top it off, a friend I have been inviting for about a year showed up for the first time.  I really wanted to be able to spend time with her and invest in her, and I was able to do that despite all the craziness.  Our small group ended up being larger than I can remember in quite some time.  The Holy Spirit was so evident to me last night.  It was as if God was molding and shaping hearts before my very eyes.   

I don't know why moments like this blow me away because I've honestly come to expect it out of my God.  He is so amazing... His gifts and blessings are always perfect - the timing is perfect, the structure of the gift is perfect.  God is greater, stronger, and higher than anything Satan would like to throw before us today.  I love it!  I love holy cow moments. 

I have to admit, sometimes I'm glad when situations sometimes seem so out of control - like there is no way for success - because then when God presents His gift it more than highlights His grandeur.

Can you think of something good God has given you this week?  Won't you praise and thank Him with me?  Take a minute to listen to the words of this song to lead you in a moment of praise to our Heavenly Father: Our God is Greater.

Have a blessed day!


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