Living the promises
This week marks the one year anniversary of our family saying goodbye to our sweet, little boy Elliot. It's hard to believe that it has been one year ago that Elliot was stillborn. This year has been full of pain and grieving... we said goodbye to Elliot, my Mother, my Uncle Don, I had a tumor removed (thankfully benign), and I walked away from my career. Wow. During church on Sunday, I was reminded of how faithful God is to fulfill His promises to us. God provided 3 promises to our family over the last year: First regarding the past, then regarding the here and now, and the third is regarding our future. PROMISE #1 - OUR PAST As we were preparing to go to the hospital on December 21, 2011, I prayed to God in shear agony as I knew our lives were about to change. I prayed, "Dear God, please prepare us... I don't know how you prepare someone for losing a child in such a short time frame between here and the doctor's office, ...
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