
Welcome to

This site isn't about running - it's about gaining insight and endurance for your life... but, just for a moment, let's consider what it would take to be an avid runner. Do avid runners run only when the weather is perfect? When they have the right shoes? When they have the perfect number of people to come along the run with them? When they have no aches or pains? When there is only an organized competition? Avid runners are crazy - they go after it, day after day - and strangely, they love it...

What will it take for you to choose to be an avid runner in this life? If you are waiting for the conditions to be perfect, to have all the right equipment and all the right people - you'll either never join the race or you will constantly be in and out of the race because the conditions won't stay perfect for long. Throughout the pages of this site, you will find practical, real life stories and truths that will equip and challenge you no matter the conditions of your race, so that you may enjoy this life and have real hope for the future..

Trying to decide where to start?
  • Go to the Blog to see the most recent posts.
  • If you are struggling and need encouragement,
    • please read my story on the About page;
    • choose a Topic that applies to your season of life.
  • Go to Devotionals for digging into God's word along with practical application.
  • Contact me to tell me your story through comments, email, Facebook, or sign up to receive notifications for each new post.
The stories on this site are vulnerable and real, but in the midst of being real, I can't help but tell about the saving grace of Jesus Christ; I would have drown long before now if it weren't for Him.

Let me challenge you to read some of the devotionals and topical posts - even if they don't specifically pertain to you. If you are a Christ follower, there is no place for complacency or arrogance in our walk after all He's done for us. Reading these types of posts will give you an opportunity to listen to and understand other hurting people around you. They are written to also challenge you to be vulnerable - so that on-lookers will realize that you are not Christian because you are perfect but because of your need for a Savior.

"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross..." Hebrews 12:1-2a


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