She Was Ready
For me, one of the most amazing stories in the Bible is where the angel comes to tell Mary she will become the mother of Jesus - Son of God. After gaining some clarification from the angel, she said, "... may it be done to me according to your word." I don't think she could possibly fully grasp at that moment all that being the mother of God's son would entail, but I do believe she knew it was going to change her life forever - and it wouldn't be easy. Sometimes it is difficult to step into a role that we know will be time consuming, and may require more of our heart than we feel capable of giving. I want to share a story about a person in my life that was ready to accept that role, and it has, in turn, encouraged me deeply in my faith walk with God. That person is Pam. On December 21, 2011 - many of you know my story... Being very pregnant, I awoke early knowing something wasn't right with the baby. I had some Bible and prayer time before waking my h...